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I have joined TQR training with Gian Carlo on the 23rd and 24th of April. This was the most amazing energy healing experience I had.

Gian's runic chanting, shamanic music souind, his knowledge, experiences and teaching has renewed and uplifted me.

He is an amazing Healer and great Teacher.

Through his healing techniques and teachings, I feel the light inside me which can transform anything in my life.

I feel so happy and grateful that I have did TQR with Gian and I'm very excited to join the next TQR training. 

I will definitely recommend anyone to join Gian's sessions and teachings at Illuminations.

Thank you very much for this awakening uplifting training.





The Shamanic cleansing and empowerment workshop with Gian Carlo was an absolutely amazing experience. He is a truly gifted teacher and it was lovely to learn from him personally. It was a very different experience too from the previous other courses n workshops I’ve done.

It was truly wonderful and I didn’t realize how quickly time flew by from 10 am to 6 pm..I really enjoyed every moment of it.

Thank you so much once again Gian for that amazing workshop and healing sessions on Sunday. Truly grateful for  getting this opportunity to experience it in person with you.


Many blessings to you


Love and light,

Dr. Jyothi


Gian Carlo is a gifted soul and great teacher. I highly recommend his one on one mentoring course-"rediscover your extra sensorial gifts"- which seemed to have opened up my senses to a higher level. There was a situation that I was concerned about and decided to take a session with Gian, the very next day things changed for my good while I had almost accepted nothing was ever going to happen. But things moved, Energy shifted and that is awesome! Thank you Gian.


-Lion Heart



Amazing and life/self changing experience!


I attended the shamanic healing by Gian Carlo, its amazing experience. When I went at Illuminations my mind is scattered and I have lots of negativity in my body and mind, and somewhat doubtful to Gian and to Illuminations. But after my 3 sessions, I feel great and I started to focus in things that is important most especially to learn to love myself. My husband said, we’ve been 4 years but Gian Carlo changed me in just 3 days sessions…:)…its life changing and helps a lot to my relationship with my family most especially with my husband… Thank you Gian! I highly recommended him and the illuminations!




Dear Team,


I would love to share my session experience with Master Gian , I did with him so far 5 sessions from london – Ofcourse the sessions were online and the amount of information and exercise that he shared with me are amazing Am so amazed how he do the meditation with the tools and words and how he is patient with me during the session it shows me how he loves his work and he master it very well Plus the sessions am having with Gian helps me alot and made me to move to the second level of my healing process.


I really would love to thank him for everything,


And am going to attend his class in person when I visit Dubai on July.


Best Regards



I am very happy to share my feedback and gratefulness for the course of "re-awaken your extra sensorial workshop".


I really appreciated this one on one workshop.

The two elements of theory and practice where adapted for my individual needs.

I truly felt that, the way the theory was explained, was adapted to my understanding which amplified the results during the practice. Your understanding of the human psyche allows you to intuitively feel if the theory and practice was well understood.

Your calmness during the session brings a sense of peace and serenity which truly allowed me to feel safe and, where each practical experience was closely overseen and discussed.

At the end of each course, I was eager to know what was going to be discussed and practiced in the next session.


Many thanks for this wonderful time and experience and I look forward to the next workshop. 


With warm regards,





© 2022 Website created with by Gian Carlo Zazzeri. 

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